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Stations of the Resurrection

Encounters with the Risen Christ
Product Description

The New Testament gospel writers record nineteen resurrection appearances, from the first encounter with Mary Magdalene on Easter morning to Paul's life-changing experience on the Damascus road. Stations of the Resurrection offers reflections on each of these episodes from the bestselling poet Malcolm Guite and the much admired writer and bishop, Guli Francis-Dehqani, accompanied by colour illustrations from the priest-artist Iain McKillop.

Bishop Guli draws on her first hand knowledge of Middle Eastern culture to explore these stories and Malcolm Guite offers a sonnet in response to each of them - many published here for the first time - with reflections on the texts that inspired them.

This imaginative and inspirational resource also includes the complete Stations of the Resurrection liturgies from Common Worship Times and Seasons that commemorate each of the nineteen events, allowing the book to be used for both personal devotional use and liturgical celebration.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781781404539
    • Publisher: Church House Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9781781404539
    • Publication Date: 12/01/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Malcolm Guite
    • Author: Guli Francis-Dehqani

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