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Growing Old in Christ

  • Editor-in-chief Stanley Hauerwas, David Cloutier, Keith Meador
  • By Carole Bailey Stoneking
Product Description

One of the hallmarks of contemporary culture is its attitude toward aging and the elderly. Youth and productivity are celebrated in today's society, while the elderly are increasingly marginalized. This not only poses difficulties for old people but is also a loss for the young and middle-agers, who could learn much from the elderly, including what it means to grow old (and die) -in Christ.-
Growing Old in Christ presents the first serious theological reflection ever on what it means to grow old, particularly in our culture and particularly as a Christian. In a full-orbed discussion of the subject, eighteen first-rate Christian thinkers survey biblical and historical perspectives on aging, look at aging in the modern world, and describe the -Christian practice of growing old.- Along the way they address many timely issues, including the medicalization of aging, the debate over physician-assisted suicide, and the importance of friendships both among the elderly and between the elderly and the young.
Weighty enough to instruct theologians, ethicists, and professional caregivers yet accessible enough for pastors and general readers, this book will benefit anyone seeking faith-based insight into growing old.
David Aers
David Cloutier
Rowan A. Greer
Stanley Hauerwas
Judith C. Hays
Richard B. Hays
Shaun C. Henson
L. Gregory Jones
Susan Pendleton Jones
Patricia Beattie Jung
Stephen Long
M. Therese Lysaught
David Matzko McCarthy
Keith G. Meador
Charles Pinches
James Shuman
Carole Bailey Stoneking
Laura Yordy

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780802846075
    • Publisher: William B Eerdmans Pub Co
    • ISBN 13: 9780802846075
    • ISBN 10: 0802846076
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 06/20/2003
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Stanley Hauerwas
    • Author: Carole Bailey Stoneking
    • Author: David Cloutier
    • Page Count: 320
    • Author: Keith Meador
    • Width: 6.26 inches
    • Height: 0.85 inches
    • Length: 9.42 inches
    • Weight: 0.07 pounds

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