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Letters to Dead People (Dyslexia-friendly Edition, Volume 2)

An entertaining look at the achievements of key people in history
  • By Henry Nash, Ivor Share
Product Description

Ever wondered what drove the Great and the Good in History? What questions would you ask them if you got the chance?

What's the connection between Boudica and JK Rowling? Where did Walt Disney get some of his insights from? Who was Nettie Honeyball? Many of the answers are here in this book, which is a collection of entertaining letters written to more than a hundred of the icons of literature, science, politics and world exploration, most of whom are famous, as well as others who should be.

Through this collection of often humorous letters, Ivor Share and Henry Nash give you a somewhat unique insight into these key people in history.

Be honest, haven't you ever wanted to share your thoughts with King Arthur, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Beatrix Potter or Mary Brailsford? Now's your chance to read how someone tried to do just that. In the process you'll also come to understand more about these renowned people and their greatest achievements.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781739183240
    • Publisher: Spck Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9781739183240
    • Publication Date: 02/14/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Ivor Share
    • Author: Henry Nash

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