Stephen Kaung goes through seven visions of Christ that are revealed in the book of Revelation. All of the prophecies given are meant to bring us to the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 19:10). The many and varied details are simply part of the background to the sight of Christ.
God also wants us to not only see Christ but to see Him in light of our current time, the end of days. With vision, we will no longer "cast off restraint" (Proverbs 29:18) but will instead be transformed and enabled to help bring in His kingdom.
Table of Contents
Introduction--The Testimony of Jesus
Vision 1--One Like the Son of Man
Vision 2--The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne
Vision 3--The Strong Angel
Vision 4--The Lamb on Mount Zion
Vision 5--The King of Kings
Vision 6--The Great White Throne
Vision 7--The New Jerusalem