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40 Days of Refreshment

Quiet Times for Hectic Hearts
  • By Mac Brunson, Brad Whitt
Product Description

-ABOUT THE BOOK: Where can we find refreshment for our souls when we are spiritually dry? We live in a busy, hectic world. Everywhere we turn, voices are battling for our attention. There is only one place we can find the spiritual refreshment that will enable us to live the life that Jesus desires for us: the Word of God. 40 Days of Refreshment is a devotional to guide you in your walk with Jesus. The number 40 is a special number in the Bible. We read about Moses' forty years in the desert, the Israelites' forty years in the wilderness, the forty days and nights of rain that God sent when He destroyed the earth, and Jesus' forty days and nights in the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil. However, the number 40 represents more than just a time of testing-it represents teaching. Moses learned what it meant to walk with God, the lessons proving vital when he stood before Pharaoh to speak for the "I Am." The Israelites learned important life lessons in their wilderness wanderings. Do you think Noah ever again doubted the promise, protection, or provision of God? Even Christ's forty days in the desert with the devil set the stage for the greatest ministry that the world has ever known. May the verses and thoughts in this book help turn your attention to God's Word and lead you toward renewed strength to live the life He died for you to have.

-ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Brad Whitt is the senior pastor of the historic Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta and president of Real Life Today, a preaching and teaching ministry. His passion for reaching people for Jesus Christ is evident in how he preaches God's Word and the growth the Abilene family is experiencing. As president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention's Pastors' Conference in 2010 and serving on various SBC committees and boards, he is endeared to Southern Baptists as a leader and lover of the denomination. Dr. Whitt has ministered in churches and schools across the United States, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. He and Kim have four children-Laura Kate, Jack, Benjamin, and Jonathan. For more information,

-ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Innovo Publishing LLC a multimedia publisher located near Memphis, TN. Since 2008, Innovo has published quality books, eBooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, and curricula for authors, artists, and organizations within Christian and wholesome markets. Innovo's capabilities and global reach provide authors, artists and ministries access to the world for Christ. To learn more about Innovo Publishing, visit our website at To connect with other Christian creatives and to learn best practices for creating, publishing, marketing, and selling Christian titles, visit the Christian Publishing Portal at

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781613149232
    • Publisher: Innovo Pub Llc
    • ISBN 13: 9781613149232
    • Color: Other
    • Binding: Paperback
    • Setting: Other
    • Print Size: Average
    • Publication Date: 10/26/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Mac Brunson
    • Author: Brad Whitt

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