Let waves of wonder wash over you as you get out into God’s creation this summer at VBS! Be inspired by the beauty and majesty of what God has made.
At Waves of Wonder VBS, children will explore scriptures in which God provides water for plants and animals. They will visit the wilderness and miraculously receive water from a rock. They will take a boat ride with Jesus and weather a wavy storm, and even imagine a new heaven and a new earth where all are invited to receive life-giving water. Through worship and drama, Bible study, art and science explorations, and active games, children will deepen their understanding of the importance of water and be invited to join God in caring for this precious natural resource. NIV
Bible translation. The boxed set includes: Two copies of each Leader Guide
One of each student booklet
Poster Pack
Music & Resource USB
Two Invitation Posters
Samples of the Invitation Postcards and Student Certificates.
Day 1: Making Waves – Genesis 1:1–2:3 Water is everywhere in God’s good creation, and it’s been this way from the beginning of it all! The Bible’s first chapter is an epic poem that describes the wild, wonderful beauty of the world we live in—a world that began with God hovering over the waters and dreaming up something new.
Channel Marker: Let’s enjoy God’s good creation.
Day 2: Rushing Water – Psalm 104 God didn’t stop caring for the earth after God spoke it into being. God tends to the daily needs of each created thing—from the greatest to the least! A poem from the book of Psalms inspires us to help care for the earth, its creatures, and its water.
Channel Marker: Let’s join God in caring for the earth.
Day 3: Wilderness Waves – Exodus 17:1–7 We don’t think of the wilderness being a place with lots of water, but with God, all things are possible! Join the Israelites in their thirstiest moment as God shows up to meet their deepest needs.
Channel Marker: Let’s ask God for what we need.
Day 4: Waves on the Sea – Mark 4:35–41 No one wants to be caught in a storm, but if you are, it sure helps to have Jesus in your boat! Jesus brought peace to crashing waves and speaks peace into our lives too—no matter how stormy things may be!
Channel Marker: Let’s trust Jesus when life is stormy.
Day 5: River of Life – Revelation 22:1–5; 16–17 The Bible not only begins with water but also ends with it—a beautiful river flowing through a city to bring food and healing. The river also brings the best news of all—God is with us! Let’s celebrate and be refreshed in God’s living water.
Channel Marker: Let’s receive God’s living water.