Subscription to the print version of Pulpit Resource and The Abingdon Preaching Annual.
For over three decades Pulpit Resource has helped preachers prepare to preach. Now, in partnership with Abingdon Press and, this homiletical resource will be available with fresh and timely accessibility to a new generation of preachers. Pulpit Resource doesn’t claim to be the sole resource needed for engaging, faithful, biblical preaching, but it does give you, the pastor who preaches, accessible, easy-to-use help on your way to a sermon. No sermon is a solo production. Every preacher relies on inherited models, mentors in the preacher’s past, commentaries on biblical texts by people who have given their lives to such study, comments received from members of the congregation, last week’s news headlines, and all the other ways that a sermon is communal.
The Abingdon Preaching Annual has been redesigned to provide more of what busy preachers need each week to prepare sermons and worship services. This Annual offers a primary preaching theme based on one of the lectionary texts for each week. A brief essay describes the theme and gives ideas for how to use it. One or more secondary preaching themes are also offered. Included are entries for special days such as Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve.
Get the best of both worlds by subscribing to these first class resources!