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Goliath Must Fall

Winning the Battle Against Your Giants
Product Description

How do we overcome those battles in our lives that we always seem to be fighting? Learn to overcome the "giants" in your life--the fears and insecurities that keep you from reaching your full potential.

It's likely you have a threatening giant in your life: an adversary or stronghold that's diminishing your ability to live a full and free life. Frozen in the grip of rejection, fear, anger, or addiction, we lose sight of the promise God has for our lives. Demoralized and defeated, we settle for far less than his best.

In Goliath Must Fall, pastor Louie Giglio uncovers a newfound twist in the classic story of David and Goliath. It is not God's plan for you to live with a giant standing in the middle of your life, demoralizing you day after day. Our freedom and God's glory are forever interwoven into one story. God does want us to live free. He wants us to recognize that He's already killed the giant.

In Goliath Must Fall, discover:

  • Hope and encouragement that God has a better plan for you--a plan for you to live in victory
  • Powerful insights from the Biblical story of David
  • How to silence your giants once and for all

The key to living free from our giants is not better slingshot accuracy but keeping our eyes on the one and only giant-slayer--Jesus. Once you understand the source of your giants, you can ensure that whatever your affliction is, it can, will, and must fall with the power of Jesus. Put your hope in God and watch Goliath fall.

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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780718088866
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9780718088866
    • Publication Date: 05/16/2017
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Louie Giglio
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds
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