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Smashing the Tablets

Radical Retellings of the Hebrew Bible
  • By Seth Rogoff, Sara Lippmann
Product Description

Provocative new readings of biblical texts by major contemporary Jewish writers.

Lot's daughters rebel against their predatory father, Jacob wrestles an angel in a queer underground nightclub, Job arrives in the form of an avaricious former sorority girl-Smashing the Tablets presents a collection of provocative new readings of biblical texts by major contemporary Jewish writers. Behind this groundbreaking collection is the idea that foundational texts must be read anew or they become tools of conservatism and reaction. To achieve fresh readings, it is often necessary to step outside traditional modes of analysis, whether academic or theological, and to violate the conventions of storytelling and interpretation. By challenging dominant readings and identifying underrepresented characters and moments that have been "written out" of the biblical conversation, the essays, stories, and poems in this collection rupture assumptions, unsettle the reader, and give voice to the voiceless. The Bible in this collection is bent, recontextualized, queered, inverted, and smashed to pieces. Smashing the Tablets is one of the most significant Jewish literary collections in decades, a groundbreaking must-read for Jews and others interested not only in the Bible but also in identity, faith, and power.

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    • SKU: 9798855801170
    • ISBN 13: 9798855801170
    • Publication Date: 04/01/2025
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Sara Lippmann
    • Author: Seth Rogoff

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