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The Ethnic-Religious Identity of the Ethiopian in Acts 8

26-40: Echoic Allusion, Culture, and Narrative
  • By Jongmun Jung
Product Description
This work examines the background of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. For a comprehensive study, it utilizes echoic allusion, cultural background, and narrative criticism. It explores the textual tradition of Deut 23:1-8 in Jewish literature, with a particular focus on Isaiah's inclusive presentation of "eunuchs" and "foreigners" in contrast to the Deuteronomy stipulation for the assembly of the Lord. This work also explores the ancient practice of castration, the Jewish exiles in Elephantine, and Jewish pilgrimage to reconstruct the cultural background of the Ethiopian eunuch. Additionally, it focuses on Luke's authorial role in presenting the gospel's geographic, ethnic, and religious expansion to identify the Ethiopian's ethnic and religious identity in the narrative development of the three trajectories. The conclusion drawn is that the Ethiopian eunuch cannot be identified as an uncircumcised gentile. Instead, he is more like an African man of Jewish descent, included in the Abrahamic covenant but excluded from the cultic setting of worship in the temple.
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    • SKU: 9798385214624
    • Publisher: Wipf & Stock Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9798385214624
    • Publication Date: 05/30/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Jongmun Jung

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