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Hope Is it on Time

  • By Curtis R. Creed
Product Description

For many years, the village of Kyrre has been a utopia. But all of that ends with a few monks' greed and a new king's power. The king orders walls built around the village, turns the monastery into a dungeon, and takes what he wants from the villagers. Three monks survive from being executed and tell the downtrodden villagers about one of the massacred monk's dream that a child with a birthmark will come to save them, the people cling to a sliver of hope that one day, peace will be restored.
When Christian is born, he is encouraged to love God with all his heart and fulfill his purpose of providing hope to his people. After his parents are murdered by soldiers at the king's direction, the king raises him. But another man wants to be king and will do anything to make it happen, including throwing Christian in the dungeon and imprisoning and beating him. Now Christian must rely on his faith in God to help him battle against the enemies of his people and restore freedom within the kingdom. Will he find a way to prevail?
Hope: Is It on Time? is an inspirational fantasy story of one man's mission to provide hope, faith, and love to the people of his kingdom as he battles enemies determined to rob them of their freedom.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9798385026661
    • Publisher: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9798385026661
    • Publication Date: 08/26/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Curtis R. Creed

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