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Wisdom for Faithful Reading

Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation
Product Description
The church has too often lost its way in reading the Old Testament for lack of sound principles of interpretation. When careless habits get us off track, we can lose sight of what the Bible is really saying, derailing our own spiritual growth and even risking discredit to God's word. We need a consistent approach to give us confidence as faithful interpreters. In Wisdom for Faithful Reading, trusted Old Testament scholar John Walton lays out his best practices developed over four decades in the classroom. His principles are memorable, practical, and enlightening, including: ● The Bible is written for us, but not to us. ● Reading the Bible instinctively is not reliable. ● More important than what the characters do is what the narrator does with the characters and what God is doing through the characters. ● Not everything has a "biblical view." Along with identifying common missteps, Walton's insights point the way to stay focused on what the Old Testament text communicated to its original audience--and what it has to say for us today. When we submit ourselves to be accountable to the authors' intentions we experience the true authority of Scripture, and faithful reading fuels a faithful life.
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    • SKU: 9798212438315
    • Publisher: Christian Audio
    • ISBN 13: 9798212438315
    • Publication Date: 04/25/2023
    • Format: Other
    • Author: John H. Walton

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