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Mission, Migration, and Integration

Perspectives on African Pentecostals Response to African Refugees in a European Context
  • By Gerhard Droesser, Charles Gyasi
Product Description

This book examines the responses of African Pentecostal Churches in a European context to the plight of African refugees and asylum seekers. It reveals the pressing needs of African refugees and asylum seekers including language skills, basic legal orientation, emotional therapy, accommodation, employment and prayer support. It also draws attention to the lack of proactivity and compassion in the response of African Pentecostal Churches in Europe to the refugee crisis, despite the many helpful ways in which they support these refugees and asylum seekers. The author's analysis points out that this lack of proactivity and compassion has led to many creative survival tactics that African refugees and asylum seekers use in Europe. The data collected facilitates a fruitful, insightful and practical academic discussion on contemporary issues in mission, migration, and integration, lending support to constructive mission praxis within African Pentecostal Christianity. Missiologists and non-missiologists will learn from the book the critical themes of Pentecostalism and contextualization, Pentecostalism and transformation, mission and migration, identity as a tool for mission and integration, religious response to social challenges and effect of volunteerism on mission.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9783631918937
    • ISBN 13: 9783631918937
    • Publication Date: 08/30/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Gerhard Droesser
    • Author: Charles Gyasi

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