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The Dignity of Human Procreation and the Simple Case in Vitro Fertilization

Moral-Theological Debate in the Light of "Donum Vitae"
  • By Patrick Idoko Abem
Product Description

Whereas, almost all Catholic moral theologians and ethicists do not have many problems receiving the negative judgment of Donum Vitae on heterologous artificial insemination and regular IVF as procedures of generating human life, only few find it difficult and unacceptable for the Simple Case IVF to be proscribed because they consider it less problematic. The Catholic Scholars who express dissent against the evaluation and conclusion of the Magisterium on the Simple Case seem to suggest that the destruction of human embryos and the use of a donor constitute the only problem of this procedure. But their reasoning can be considered inadequate because it fails to understand the theological and moral basis for the dignity of human procreation. The fact that the Simple Case IVF violates the principle of inseparability of the conjugal act by seeking the generation of human life outside of the conjugal act makes it intrinsically illicit and unacceptable for human procreation.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9783631893104
    • ISBN 13: 9783631893104
    • Publication Date: 06/09/2023
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Patrick Idoko Abem

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