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Oaths and Vows

Words as Genesis
  • By Adam B. Seligman, Maria Schnitter
Product Description

Oaths, vows, promises, curses - all share family resemblances. They are performatives, carrying illocutionary force. Oaths have rightly been termed, "conditional self-curses", promises have been argued to be but a more developed form of vows, and oaths and vows are often used interchangeably. This book focuses on private vows and oaths including those publically proclaimed.

Through analysis of legal, liturgical, mythical and literary works, it seeks to uncover a phenomenology of oaths and vows. Viewing oaths and vows as the human creative force par excellence it surveys their role in circumscribing and directing both erotic desire and aggression; and so - in their performative function - as standing at the foundation of society and sociability.

As acts of trust which establish new obligations understandings of the role of oaths and vows are compared in the Jewish and Christian contexts in terms of the importance of intentionality in vow making and oath taking as well as the nature of the obligations ensuing from such locutionary acts. Analysis of the comic and tragic consequences of the violation of marriage oaths as presented in European literature from the 12th to 19th centuries reveals their perception as "habituating" Eros.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9783111323480
    • ISBN 13: 9783111323480
    • Publication Date: 08/19/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Adam B. Seligman
    • Author: Maria Schnitter

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