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Whispers in the Wilderness

God's Utterances During Crisis
  • By Theresa Stembridge
Product Description

This compilation of meditations was written primarily in the midst of the pandemic of 2020. The author has called this collection "Utterances from God', because she believes that God is delivering important messages during these occurrences. Life has truly changed from the way we know it, with the pandemic only being a part of the chaos

Beginning with the "anatomy of a crisis", the author's prayer is that this insight be applied certainly during the current pandemic, however, can also be useful in any crisis of life that one finds themselves in. Each crisis we meet can be broken into components: the reality that the crisis exists, the reaction to the crisis, the rays of hope through the crisis, and the route one takes moving forward beyond the crisis. The author has attempted to categorize each meditation into its appropriate component of the crisis.

Please journey with the author, as she feels that these meditations are God-inspired. She has prayed consistently that the reader will find hope and joy, despite what circumstances they are encountering, and may encounter in the future.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781977232205
    • Publisher: Outskirts Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781977232205
    • Publication Date: 09/21/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Theresa Stembridge

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