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The Heart of a Dad

A Faith Based Approach to Parenting
  • By Dr Willie O. Peterson, George Gibbs II
Product Description

The Heart of A Dad is an unfinished story of the journey of a dad who attempted to practice parenting through the grid of biblical Christianity. It is a story about a young man who came out of a fractured and semi-dysfunctional upbringing and discovered a path to functional parenting. In this book, dads are challenged to maintain strong, vibrant relationships with their children through their engagement and their support of their childrens dreams.

Gibbs takes you through several stages in the parenting process from a very practical perspective and he attempts to show not only how he navigated through these different stages, but he also shares with you the practical lessons learned from each of these parenting stages. For example, in chapter five where he discusses The Danger Zone he provides dads with eight practical steps for navigating this period of their childrens lives.

In part two, Gibbs explores parenting through the lives of historical biblical characters and he draws parenting lessons for dads from these 12 characters. He humanizes them and makes what was done thousands of years ago relevant in parenting today. The foundational principles of The Heart of a Dad are discovered in his presentation of Lessons Learned from Enoch, who was the father of Methuselah who was the oldest man of historic record; he lived 969 years.

In part three, Gibbs unveils parenting lessons as they are seen in the spiritual relationship between God the Father and his children. He also explores the theology of God through the biblical relationship that exists between God the Father and His only begotten Son.

The Heart of a Dad is a fresh look at parenting from an experiential yet biblical perspective. Young fathers can learn from the lessons of parenting without making the same mistakes that Gibbs and so many others made by not realizing that there are models that one can follow and that there are navigational maps and tools available for parenting.

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973613770
    • Publisher: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973613770
    • Publication Date: 02/07/2018
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Dr Willie O. Peterson
    • Author: George Gibbs II
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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