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The Epic Life

Revelation, Resistance, and Revival
  • By Timothy Floyd
Product Description
We've had it drummed into our heads that whatever happens in the book of Revelation is either about the imminent future or the ancient past. If the past is unfamiliar, and the future is unknowable what's the point of even going there? Here's the good news: Revelation is about you and me and this unsettling moment where we currently find ourselves. It explains some of the forces and events that make this twenty-first-century storm seem so confusing and even frightening. You don't need to be a history scholar, a futurist, or a CIA analyst to decipher the mysterious images of his vision from Patmos. This book helps readers carefully navigate and understand the most misunderstood book of the Bible.
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    • SKU: 9781956454819
    • Publisher: FIDELIS PUB
    • ISBN 13: 9781956454819
    • Publication Date: 09/25/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Timothy Floyd

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