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Discipleship in the New Expedition

  • By Phil Maynard
Product Description

Discipleship is one of those topics that we talk about a lot in the church. Every church does discipleship in some form, yet most churches admit that this is an area with which they struggle to be effective and fruitful.

But discipleship existed long before even the Great Commission of Jesus. There were disciples of Moses, disciples of the Pharisees, and even disciples of John the Baptist.Discipleship happens in relationships. It’s a “contact sport.” When we want to help someone grow as a disciple, our first impulse should not be to give them a book or training guide (although these may be helpful resources) and send them off to a corner to process what they’re reading. We invite them into a relationship with someone further along the path of discipleship.

It is important to note that in contrast to the perspective of many congregations, discipleship is about how we live rather than what we know. This discipler (partner) walks alongside the disciple. When the junior partner doesn’t understand something, the discipler explains it. When they stumble, we help them up and dust them off. When they start off on a “rabbit trail,” we bring them back to focus. When they need a helping hand, we reach out. Good disciplers help people see the end-goal of the process (becoming more like Jesus). They help the disciple keep their eyes on the target.

In Discipleship in the New Expedition, Phil Maynard helps readers understand and initiate the steps leading God’s call to discipleship. Each church’s discipleship process looks different. The most important thing to remember is that a church needs an intentional discipleship process in place. Without an intentional discipleship process/pathway, the church will not be fulfilling the Great Commission.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781950899548
    • Publisher: Market Square Publishing
    • ISBN 13: 9781950899548
    • Publication Date: 04/01/2022
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Phil Maynard
    • Width: 5.00 inches
    • Height: 0.38 inches
    • Length: 8.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.02 pounds

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