The church is still a mystery of God, and God grows the church in ways we do not fully understand or appreciate. If you are a church leader, learning from and implementing best practices in a way that makes sense for your church is worthy of knowing.
Mile Welch addresses the question of what it means to be a prevailing church in Creating and Sustaining a Prevailing Expedition. The first section of his book is titled, What has not changed. While much has changed in how prevailing churches think and function, much has stayed the same.
The authors discusses best practices that have not changed in this section. The second section is called What seems to have changed. In this section, Welch discusses places where the church of the future has the opportunity to become a more refined version of the Bride of Christ.
The third section is titled, Qualities that prevailing pastors possess. Miles invites readers to elevate qualities that have always been important but are now critical to pastors and church leaders in light of the new realities. Together the insights and discussions in these three sections will give church leaders a roadmap to becoming a prevailing church for years to come.