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Through the New Testament with Michael Green

Matthew to Revelation
Product Description
The Bible is the story of God's seeking to reconcile men and women to himself. Time and again God says, "I will be your God, and you will be my people." Central to the Bible's story is Jesus Christ. Michael Green says, "That is why it is important for the followers of Jesus Christ to read the Bible, understand it, live by its light, and through it get to know God better."
Through the New Testament with Michael Green is designed to be read with a Bible . . . not in place of the Bible, and is intended to help a reader understand the main thrust of the New Testament's message. Through the New Testament with Michael Green, said a reviewer, "has achieved the big picture, not by abandoning the details of passages, but by providing a brief commentary on every one of them. It's a difficult trick to pull off, but this book is written as though it were a set of daily readings (which it could be). Because each section is short, you get a sense of the whole. It's almost as though Michael Green has crafted a mosaic where you never linger long enough with any piece of beauty to lose sight of the greater whole."
Here's a book that is easy to absorb. It is written in bite-sized teachings concisely and expertly explained. "Michael Green," said Allister McGrath, "was one of the most gifted evangelists of his generation." This book conveys Green's infectious enthusiasm for his faith as well his outstanding teaching skills.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781912149520
    • Publisher: KINGSLEY BOOKS
    • ISBN 13: 9781912149520
    • Publication Date: 07/29/2022
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Michael Green

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