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Crucified and Cursed Christ

An Analysis of Galatians 3:1-14 in the Context of Curses in Biblical Times and its Relevance to Marakwet Culture
  • By Elkanah K. Cheboi
Product Description

The practice of cursing remains a significant aspect of life in many African countries. This book addresses this practice with the seriousness it deserves, arguing that Christ is the ultimate curse remover.

Dr. Elkanah K. Cheboi examines the meaning and implications of the Pauline statement in Galatians that "Christ became a curse for us." Drawing from biblical passages referencing judicial curses, and the widespread practice of cursing and blessing within the Ancient Near East and Greco-Roman world, he investigates how the crucified and cursed Christ provides the ultimate solution to the power and dominion of curses. Demonstrating the insufficiencies of curse remedies, both in the ancient world and the modern African context, this study offers christological insight into the implications of Christ's death not simply for human sin but also human curses. Dr. Cheboi specifically examines parallels between the New Testament context and Kenya's Marakwet culture, where curses are still deeply feared as life-threatening and generational.

Offering powerful insight into aspects of contemporary African culture not always fully understood, this book integrates biblical scholarship with practical application and is an excellent resource for pastors, missionaries, and theologians alike.

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    • SKU: 9781839738357
    • ISBN 13: 9781839738357
    • Publication Date: 11/30/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Elkanah K. Cheboi

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