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Digital Media and Youth Discipleship

Pitfalls and Promise
  • By Huong Nam Vo
Product Description

Today's youth grow up immersed in digital technology. This presents a unique challenge to the church as it seeks to faithfully make disciples of the next generation. What does it look like - theologically and practically - to minister contextually to those whose lives are permeated by social media and digital culture?

In this in-depth study, Dr. Vo Huong Nam offers both social and theological insight into the task of discipling youth in the digital age. He examines the impact of digital media on both society and young people and offers an overview of Christian responses to the changing technological landscape. Engaging such authors as John Calvin, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Henri Nouwen, he develops a constructive theology of spiritual formation relevant to the context of twenty-first century youth. He explores the implications of this theology on church practice, urging the church to take seriously its call to be all things for all people. Drawing specific examples from youth ministry in Vietnam, he addresses practical questions of application and contextualization and suggests that silence, solitude, and prayer are spiritual disciplines uniquely vital for the digital age. This book is an important resource for all those involved in discipling young people and longing to see today's youth come to fullness of life in Christ.

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    • SKU: 9781839736636
    • ISBN 13: 9781839736636
    • Publication Date: 06/30/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Huong Nam Vo

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