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A Light to All Nations

On the Nature and Mission of the Church
  • By Brian Thomas Becket Mullady O. P.
Product Description

"Fr. Mullady offers a readable and rock-solidly reliable treatment of what is surely the most important -- and debated -- subject in contemporary Catholic theology. His approach to Church doctrine (ecclesiology) demonstrates the profound consistency and coherence of the Magisterium's teaching as it draws from biblical and patristic sources and develops from the medieval to the modern period, culminating in Vatican II's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium). In the process, Fr. Mullady applies a 'hermeneutic of continuity' to show the deep convergence of Vatican I and Vatican II (no small feat!). Along the way, readers gain a renewed sense of the indispensable role of classical Thomism for doing Catholic theology -- with precision, fidelity and flexibility." -- Dr. Scott Hahn

For decades, we have heard the phrase "the spirit of the council." Here is the book that will elevate your understanding of the Church by helping you unpack what one of the central documents of the Second Vatican Council -- Lumen Gentium -- really taught and understand it through the lens of traditional Church teachings, history, and philosophy.

As Fr. Mullady explains the supernatural character of the Church and our universal call to holiness, you will discover the authentic character and purpose of the People of God and the unique vocations to which we are called. You will also learn about:

- The trinitarian life of the Church and its role as mystery and sacrament
- Ecumenism and the necessity of the Church for salvation
- Sensus Fidelium and discernment of truth in matters of faith
- Papal and episcopal infallibility and types of doctrine
- Marriage, family, and the mission of the laity in the Church
- The indispensability of the sacramental life for sanctification

As you learn about the role of the Church on earth, you will see how it is the channel through which we receive God's grace to attain Heaven. By growing in understanding of the continuity of teaching, you will be empowered to give a more fervent witness to Christ and the life-giving hope and joy to which we are called.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781682784051
    • Publisher: EWTN PUB
    • ISBN 13: 9781682784051
    • Publication Date: 05/21/2024
    • Author: Brian Thomas Becket Mullady O. P.
    • Format: Paperback

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