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Going Deeper in God

Understanding, Learning, and Practicing Intimacy with God
  • By Kevin Stallone
Product Description
John 15:5 asserts, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." Using this scripture as the foundation of his book, Kevin Stallone challenges the readers to go deeper in God and experience the fullness of the Spirit. The author answers the questions of what does it mean to go deeper in God, why we should go deeper in God, and how can we go deeper in God and what are some methods employed to go deeper in God. The implications of understanding, learning, and practicing intimacy with God is that we experience freedom, we are fuller of the Holy Spirit, we bear fruit, we see God's protection, our spiritual authority is expanded, and Kingdom stuff like healing and deliverance happens. Kevin Stallone (Master of Divinity, Nyack College Alliance of Theological Seminaries in NYC, NY) With 17 years of ministry experience, he is an Anointed Bible based preacher and teacher that encourages people to go deeper in God and experience the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. Kevin's passion is to see the Church experience a deeper relationship with God through understanding, learning, and practicing intimacy with God. This has led him on a life journey of preaching and teaching to draw the region, nation, and world into experiencing the presence and power of God.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781662894695
    • Publisher: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781662894695
    • Publication Date: 05/11/2024
    • Author: Kevin Stallone
    • Format: Paperback

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