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Natural Body Spiritual Body and Glorified Body

Understand God's Given Body
Product Description
Jesus the way, the truth, and the life. Is the body thought of enough? We should. We wear a complete body. It is given by our Creator. We should know to care for it, and to nourish it of natural food, but also of spiritual food. This book covers the body as eternal gift of God. There are bodies which will be completely destroyed. A body has three elements: body, soul, and spirit. God is the Creator of the body with perfect will that it will live forever. By studying the word of God, we find necessary to know our bodies and care of them as the given gifts from our Creator God, and to lead them to the proper destiny God intended them. My inspiration is from teaching God's word to generations. Writing books has gained my confidence that whoever will access the book and use it for His intent; but my will is to teach and save souls for Christ Jesus our Lord. I wish all the readers will use the book to know the God given treasure and to lead them to eternal life by help of God's light which is the word of God. I am Pastor Mwizerwa M Frederick called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ who showed Himself to be the way, the truth, and the life pertaining to eternal life. If whoever in the world ask me, what is eternal life? I'm ready to point them to Jesus Christ, and this is the beginning. My inspiration is from teaching God's word to generations. One of the ways writing books has gained my vocation is to show the real existence of God manifested here on earth as the word made flesh: Jesus Christ. The book is not for any other purpose except for finding Holy life and living for Jesus. My single will is to teach and save souls for Christ Jesus our Lord. I wish all the readers to use the book to know their God given treasures and to lead them to eternal life by help of God's light which is His word (the Bible). It is the only mission we do have. Jesus said, what does profit a man if he gains the whole earth but lose his own soul? We cannot stand the fact that we live lazy and fail to work on our salvation which is the expected future, the eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
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    • SKU: 9781662893773
    • Publisher: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781662893773
    • Publication Date: 08/24/2024
    • Format: Paperback

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