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A Child of God

  • By Mauli Bonner, Chantel Bonner, Morgan Bissant
Product Description
A rhyming, read-aloud book with warm illustrations conveys a comforting, faith-filled message from a Black father and mother to their children who see visual representations of their Christian faith, but question what it means when they don't see their skin color, their physical features, or their gender portrayed.

"What about the angels, will they stop and stare, when they see that I may not have their same color hair?" asks the girl.

In soothing verse, the father assures his children that everyone looks like Jesus and the angels by the things they do. As the family walks through their neighborhood, the father points out the beauty in God's creations, from flowers, all unique and different, to all the children in their community "each with skin a different shade." He reminds his children that pictures of faith such as angels were drawn by someone and encourages his children to draw their own pictures so angels look like all of us.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781629729176
    • Publisher: Shadow Mountain Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9781629729176
    • Publication Date: 09/07/2021
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Mauli Bonner
    • Author: Chantel Bonner
    • Author: Morgan Bissant

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