"We come here to begin to relieve an ancient wrong. We wish especially to restore to this Earth its ancient joy. For while much of what we have done is beyond healing, there is a resilience throughout the land that only awaits its opportunity to flourish once again with something of its ancient splendor." --
Thomas Berry This Book of Hours offers a unique encounter with the spirituality of Thomas Berry, a Passionist priest, ecological prophet, and self-described "geologian," who recounted the "universe story," described our place in the earth community, and defined the "great work" before us: to develop an Ecozoic consciousness capable of sustaining life on this planet. Following the format of Deignan's previous breviaries, drawn from the work of Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Merton, this Book of Hours is arranged under themes divided into eight days. Each day includes prayers, hymns, and readings for the four moments of the day: Dawn, Day, Dusk, and Dark.