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Celtic Prayers for Wholeness and Healing
  • By Ray Simpson
Product Description

Although we often think the definition of shalom is “peace,” the Hebrew word encompasses far wider meanings, including completeness, well-being, safety, prosperity, contentment, health, friendliness, and rest. Shalom implies the divinely ordained state of well-being, of justice, equity, and fulfilment, which God wants for each of us as individuals and for all of us as communities. It’s a state of harmony, an interwoven connection that supports and nourishes both the parts and the whole.

God yearns to heal all that is wounded or diseased, restore all that is lost, and mend all that is broken. This is the work of Christ, reconciling all Creation with Divinity, so that we all enter and participate in shalom. We need shalom in our bodies, our minds, and our spirits—and we need it in our relationships and in our communities. In these prayers, Ray Simpson invites us to offer up all that is broken or unhealthy, so that we can experience the full meaning of shalom.

May the Divine Creator make us instruments of healing.
May the Complete Christ take from us all that frustrates healing.
May the Holy Spirit give us power for healing.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781625249067
    • ISBN 13: 9781625249067
    • Publication Date: 03/01/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Ray Simpson

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