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Creating Leaderful Organizations - eBook [ePub]

How to Bring Out Leadership in Everyone
  • By Joseph A. Raelin
Electronic Media
Product Description
The times demand a new style of leadership. Employees today are highly trained and independent-they can offer much more to an enterprise than simply their obedience. And with the relationship between worker and organization constantly changing, no one person will likely be able to lead alone. Creating Leaderful Organizations presents a paradigm of leadership tailored to our times, one that is based on mutual-rather than heroic-leadership.

It is not merely consultative, with leaders graciously allowing followers to participate in leadership, nor is it a stewardship approach in which the leader occasionally steps aside to allow others to take over temporarily. It is a revolutionary new approach that transforms leadership from an individual property to a collective responsibility. Raelin details how "leaderful" practice can accomplish the critical processes of leadership more effectively than any existing approach. And using actual examples from leading-edge organizations, he offers practical guidance for assessing your own and others' leaderful predisposition, preparing for leaderful practice, distributing leadership roles, and dealing with resistance to change.

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    • SKU: 9781609944629
    • Publisher: Berrett Koehler Publ Inc
    • ISBN 13: 9781609944629
    • Publication Date: 02/01/2003
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Joseph A. Raelin

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