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Everyday Encounters with the Lord

Meeting God and Hearing His Word in Everyday Experiences. a Year of Daily Devotional Thoughts
  • By Tony Elder
Product Description
This inspiring daily devotional will challenge you to grow in your relationship with the Lord while allowing Him to transform you into the Christlike person He calls you to be. Enhance your personal moments with God each day by being reminded of vital biblical truths which can be found imbedded in our everyday experiences. Hear God speaking through interactions with grandchildren, nature, the day's headlines, holiday gatherings, and all the other common occurrences in life. Let these readings point you to further study in God's Word, lead you to seeking God in prayer, and guide you into greater service for His kingdom. Here's an excerpt from one of those daily messages: "Last weekend when I first saw a news report about a missing husband and wife, I thought it was an unfortunate and potentially tragic situation. But when I realized I actually knew the couple - that we had been fellow church members with this nice lady many years ago - the story really hit home. So I kept checking the news throughout the day to receive updates on the search for these missing persons. Isn't that the way it often goes? We may hear about certain people, their situations and predicaments. We may respond with some degree of slight interest to genuine concern. But when it involves somebody we know, our own family, or ourselves, it really gets our attention and has a bigger impact on us. It reminds me of the time the prophet Nathan told King David about a man who had a great number of flocks and herds...Once David realized this story was about him, it deeply affected him, leading to heartfelt confession and repentance. Maybe there are some stories, facts, and truths in the Bible which we need to take more personally than we do. The general statements may affect us to some degree, but not as much as they should. In many cases we need to realize it's talking about me and you. When the Bible declares that God so loved the world that He sent His Son, we should take it personally. God loves you. God cared enough about you to take such action. You are the one... When God's Word calls believers to love others and be holy, He's talking to you. When He commissions His followers to be His witnesses, to be lights in a dark world, and to share the gospel, He is sending you. You are the one. If God's Word isn't moving us and affecting us very deeply, maybe it's because we're looking at it as more of a textbook to be studied rather than as a personal letter to be received. Read the Bible, see yourself in its truths, and seek to hear what God wants to say to you."
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    • SKU: 9781595557957
    • Publisher: Elm Hill Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781595557957
    • Publication Date: 09/11/2018
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Tony Elder

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