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The Word

How We Translate the Bible--And Why It Matters
Product Description
From a distinguished Oxford scholar and the author of A History of the Bible, an examination of how biblical translation works and why it matters

Throughout history, most Jewish and Christian believers have understood scripture not in the languages in which it was first written but rather in their own--in translation. In The Word, acclaimed Bible scholar John Barton explores how saints and scholars have negotiated the profound challenges of translating the Bible while remaining faithful to the original. In addition to considering questions of literal versus free translation, literary style, inclusive language, and more, Barton draws out scriptural translation's role at other critical junctures in religious history. Far from a mere academic exercise, biblical translation has shaped how we answer faith's most enduring questions about the nature of God, the existence of the soul, and the possibility of salvation.

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    • SKU: 9781541603684
    • Publisher: Basic Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781541603684
    • Publication Date: 05/02/2023
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: John Barton

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