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Around the Table

  • By Jonathan P. Case
Product Description
In these days of uncivil public discourse--complete with trolling, hater comments, CAPSLOCKING, and generally acting like jerks towards each other--talking graciously about anything is becoming a lost art. Throw religion into the mix (""Well, my Bible says . . . "") and you've got one huge toxic mess. Is it possible for Christians to become more thoughtful and gracious conversation partners as we talk through our theological disagreements? How can we keep from throwing around the term heretic every time someone disagrees with us? And remember, it's a big world out there. If arguing with other Christians isn't difficult enough, how do we think about engaging members of other religions? What's the point of talking with them? They don't know God anyway, right? Then there are all those agnostics and atheists, accusing believers of ignorance and calling for the end of religion. Why should we even want to talk with these people? Aren't they our enemies? What can we possibly learn from them? In this book, Jonathan Case explores, from a Christian theological perspective, what's at stake in these conversations and suggests how to keep people talking through their disagreements about that most volatile subject: God. ""Around the Table offers a rarely found combination of intellectual rigor and clarity of expression. It brings reason and fair play into religious discussion in a way that is true to the generous 'catholic spirit' recommended by John Wesley. It is also attuned to the present discourse on religious and interreligious dialogue, and offers sane advice laced with wit and wisdom. I would like to place it in the hands of every beginning student of theology."" --Glen O'Brien, Associate Professor Research Coordinator, Eva Burrows College, University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia Jonathan P. Case is Professor of Theology at Houghton College. He also has served as a pastor in Oklahoma and a missionary in the south Pacific.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781532616457
    • Publisher: Cascade Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781532616457
    • Publication Date: 06/21/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Jonathan P. Case
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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