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What Makes You Bloom

Cultivating a Practice for Connecting with Your Divine Self
  • Foreword by Jacqueline J. Lewis
  • By Kevin Miguel Garcia
Product Description

Get ready to heal from your past, get real about the present, and imagine a delicious future by rebuilding a living practice that actually works for you.

So many of us are leaving conservative faith traditions behind, rightly saying goodbye to toxic theology, bigotry, and harm. But in the process, we often lose our rhythm of gathering, prayer, and worship. We may even lose our sense of connection to God. And we think it's our fault. But spiritual coach, speaker, and podcaster Kevin Miguel Garcia is here with a reminder: ""We don't need saving because we were never in danger. We don't need to get found because we've never been lost. Everything we need to connect with the Divine is already inside us.""

What Makes You Bloom is a guide to creating your new spiritual practice after your life or faith has fallen apart. When going to church, praying, and reading your Bible just doesn't cut it or outright disturbs you, this book will show you how to cultivate new, meaningful spiritual practices--like stillness, presence, breath, and movement--that will help you overcome the pain of your past and root yourself in the present.

Through stories, insights, and guided meditations, Garcia explains how the goal of every spiritual practice should be about the attainment of peace--about finding what truly makes you bloom. Along the way, you will discover that the smallest changes in your life can bring about the biggest transformations, and that a feeling of bliss is only a few breaths away.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781506493589
    • Publisher: BROADLEAF BOOKS
    • ISBN 13: 9781506493589
    • Publication Date: 01/09/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Jacqueline J. Lewis
    • Author: Kevin Miguel Garcia

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