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The Foundations of Wisdom Volume III

Philosophy of Man (Study Guide)
  • By Sebastian Walshe Opraem
Product Description

The Church has championed a school of thought by which to view the human soul. Do we know what it is?

In a world where confusion regarding material reality itself abounds, a true understanding of human nature is needed now more than ever before. TAN Books is pleased to present to those beginning their journey in philosophy a short and succinct primer on this elementary reality: the human soul.

Written by the author of the textbook himself, the Philosophy of Man Study Guide was designed as a companion guide for the reader of the text that offers prompts and questions to help hone in on the key takeaways from each chapter and solidify the student's understanding of the text.

Intended to give the basics of the soul--a concept simple to understand generally but difficult to master--the Philosophy of Man guides the student through the principles needed in clear thinking to encounter and work through difficulties in an increasingly complex world. Knowing the truth of what the soul is and what that means for us will enable us to live as ones truly free. Philosophy of Man is the third of four volumes in the Foundations of Wisdom series by TAN Books; it is designed to provide the student with the foundational principles of rational thinking so as to give him the formation to discover the truth and defend against error.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781505126433
    • Publisher: Tan Books & Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9781505126433
    • Publication Date: 05/18/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Sebastian Walshe Opraem

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