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How to Tell the Truth

The Story of How God Saved Me to Win Hearts--Not Just Arguments
  • By Preston Perry
Product Description
The story of Preston Perry's path toward God. A hope-filled apologetics and evangelism book written by the popular cohost of the podcast, With the Perrys. Includes a foreword by Jackie Hill Perry.

In this compelling and gripping book, Preston tells the story of how God chased him. The streets of Chicago were his home, and it was there that he encountered all sorts of people who had their own versions of the truth--from Jehovah Witnesses to Mormons to Hebrew Israelites. That is where Preston discovered not only the importance of the truth but how to tell the truth in a way that speaks to someone's heart. Sharing our faith is not about winning arguments; it's about winning hearts. And the way we do that is by engaging with friends, neighbors, and coworkers around us about our beliefs with truth, dignity, and respect.

With How to Tell the Truth, you will:
  • be inspired by Preston's own incredible story about how God transformed his life forever by showing him the very heart of what it means to be a Christian;
  • be equipped with practical and easy ways to reach your friends and your neighbors with the truth of the gospel with kindness and love;
  • be challenged to respond to God's call to be bold. Eternity is at stake.
This book is like no other book you've read. Preston's own story, including his successes and failures, is woven throughout the book to help us see how urgent our task is--and how powerful our God is.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781496466891
    • Publisher: TYNDALE ELEVATE
    • ISBN 13: 9781496466891
    • Publication Date: 05/21/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Preston Perry

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