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The Uncommon Marriage Adventure

A Devotional Journey to Draw You Closer to God and Each Other
Product Description
Marriage is an adventure unlike any other. At times, you and your spouse may feel so close, connected, and in love that you're ready to take on the world together. But other times things grow distant, and you wonder where all the joy and excitement has gone. What is the secret to a happy, healthy, God-honoring marriage--one that will last through anything that comes your way?

Join Tony and Lauren Dungy in The Uncommon Marriage Adventure, a series of daily reflections for couples. With transparency, wisdom, and humor, the Dungys share what they've learned over 30 years of marriage about faith, teamwork, conflict, communication, and more. Through each day's reading, you and your spouse will go deeper in loving, understanding, and learning to serve each other. Dare to embark on your own marriage adventure--and discover how to make your relationship truly uncommon.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781496405326
    • Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
    • ISBN 13: 9781496405326
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 10/01/2015
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Tony Dungy
    • Author: Lauren Dungy
    • Page Count: 288

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