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Breaking Chains

From the Projects to the Pulpit
  • By Alfred M. Flett
Product Description
Setting the Captives Free

After suffering with suicidal thoughts and addictions for many years, Alfred Flett found himself back in the very church he'd attended as a child. Christianity wasn't practised in his home, but he was made to attend Sunday school, where he heard the life-changing words of John 3:16. But he eventually dropped out of Sunday school and never returned to church until he was an adult.

The path he chose left him a broken young man, and life seemed hopeless. He tried self-help techniques like psychology and counselling, but nothing seemed to help. His need went beyond the physical and emotional. He was running away from his Creator who had made him for a purpose.

Have you ever asked yourself: Why am I here? Who created me? What's my purpose? Alfred found the answer in the person of Jesus Christ. He filled the spiritual vacuum in his life, and He can do the same for you!

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    • SKU: 9781486626229
    • Publisher: Word Alive Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781486626229
    • Publication Date: 07/31/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Alfred M. Flett

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