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Living in Light of the Gospel
Product Description

Written by Theologian Sinclair Ferguson, the Second Book in the Growing Gospel Integrity Series Explores the Christian's Call to Christlikeness

While Jesus offers forgiveness for believers who sin, Scripture makes it clear that Christians are to pursue obedience and holiness. So what does it mean to walk in a manner that's "worthy of the gospel of Christ" (Phil. 1:27), and how should that look in the life of a Christ follower?

In this short, accessible guide, theologian Sinclair Ferguson explains the importance of living worthy of the gospel, why the principle is often forgotten, and how it's cultivated. Clarifying the difference between biblical obedience and legalism, Ferguson exhorts believers to pursue Christlikeness, offering practical examples from Scripture. The second book of the Growing Gospel Integrity series, Worthy helps Christians, students, pastors, and those preparing for ministry to live as citizens of heaven rather than citizens of the world.

  • Written by Theologian Sinclair Ferguson: Explains how humility, God's providence, and even suffering cultivate righteousness
  • Practical Study: Encourages Christians to intentionally pursue holiness and find satisfaction in the presence and love of Christ
  • Great for Pastors, Students, and Laypeople: Defines the grammar and language of the Bible and explores the difference between obedience and legalism
  • Part of the Growing Gospel Integrity Series
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    • SKU: 9781433583179
    • Publisher: Crossway Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781433583179
    • Publication Date: 05/02/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Sinclair B. Ferguson

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