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Scientism and Secularism

Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology
Product Description

Scientism--the view that hard sciences such as chemistry, biology, physics, and astronomy are the only legitimate sources of genuine knowledge about reality--has played a central role in the increasing secularization of society. But this belief marginalizes religion and makes it merely a matter of private opinion. This book by celebrated philosopher of science J. P. Moreland exposes the inadequacy of scientism by demonstrating its self-defeating nature and 7 important truths about our world that science can never explain. It then equips Christians to recognize and respond to scientism's harmful presence in different aspects of culture, emboldening their witness to biblical Christianity. Finally, as an alternative to scientism, Moreland presents evidence for how an integration of theology and science is the only feasible path forward.

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    • SKU: 9781433556906
    • Publisher: Crossway Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781433556906
    • Publication Date: 09/30/2018
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: J. P. Moreland

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