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Designing and Conducting Survey Research - eBook [ePub]

A Comprehensive Guide
  • By Louis M. Rea, Richard A. Parker
Electronic Media
Product Description
The industry standard guide, updated with new ideas and SPSS analysis techniques

Designing and Conducting Survey Research: A Comprehensive Guide Fourth Edition is the industry standard resource that covers all major components of the survey process, updated to include new data analysis techniques and SPSS procedures with sample data sets online. The book offers practical, actionable guidance on constructing the instrument, administrating the process, and analyzing and reporting the results, providing extensive examples and worksheets that demonstrate the appropriate use of survey and data techniques. By clarifying complex statistical concepts and modern analysis methods, this guide enables readers to conduct a survey research project from initial focus concept to the final report.

Public and nonprofit managers with survey research responsibilities need to stay up-to-date on the latest methods, techniques, and best practices for optimal data collection, analysis, and reporting. Designing and Conducting Survey Research is a complete resource, answering the "what," "why," and "how" every step of the way, and providing the latest information about technological advancements in data analysis. The updated fourth edition contains step-by-step SPSS data entry and analysis procedures, as well as SPSS examples throughout the text, using real data sets from real-world studies. Other new information includes topics like:

  • Nonresponse error/bias
  • Ethical concerns and special populations
  • Cell phone samples in telephone surveys
  • Subsample screening and complex skip patterns

The fourth edition also contains new information on the growing importance of focus groups, and places a special emphasis on data quality including size and variability. Those who employ survey research methods will find that Designing and Conducting Survey Research contains all the information needed to better design, conduct, and analyze a more effective survey.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781118767023
    • Publisher: Jossey Bass
    • ISBN 13: 9781118767023
    • Publication Date: 09/01/2014
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Richard A. Parker
    • Author: Louis M. Rea

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