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The Stronghold of Jezebel (Large Print Edition)

A True Story of a Man's Journey
Product Description

This is a book that God has laid on my heart for some time now. I believe that both men and women have first hand dealt with a spirit call Jezebel. I'm talking about more than just a distant spirit in the Church but actually married to this fowl spirit.

This is a true story of my personal life. I really was married to a woman with a Jezebel spirit. I will tell you the story but will omit the names of people because we don't deal with flesh and blood but Principalities and Powers of wickedness in high places.

I will start out this book with a chapter that gives some scriptural basis on the spirit of Jezebel and characteristics of this spirit. Then I will write the story referring too many if not all of the characteristics of the Jezebel spirit.

I know some people will really get stirred and lash out at me but until you walk a mile in my shoes who are you to judge. This book will be controversial and if you know me at all I thrive in controversy. It has been about eighteen months since I left Jezebel. I am not writing this to vent or to put a person down. This book is to be a help to somebody if you have someone close to you consumed by a spirit you may need to cut it off to survive.

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    • SKU: 9781088283929
    • Publisher: Revival Waves Of Glory Ministr
    • ISBN 13: 9781088283929
    • Publication Date: 03/06/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Bill Vincent

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