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The Baptist Vision

Faith and Practice for a Believers' Church
  • By Heath A. Thomas, Matthew Y. Emerson, R. Lucas Stamps
Product Description

What does it mean to be Baptist?

The Baptist Vision: Faith and Practice for a Believers' Church answers this question by introducing readers to the distinctive theology and practice of Baptists and by putting forward a biblical, charitable, and winsome presentation of the Baptist vision.

Authors Matthew Y. Emerson and R. Lucas Stamps begin by examining the theological foundations of the Baptist movement: catholic, reformational, evangelical, and covenantal. They then demonstrate how these foundations issue forth Baptist distinctives (believers' baptism, congregationalism, religious liberty, and more) and Baptist practices (worship, holiness, and missions). Not simply descriptive, The Baptist Vision will also suggest a particular vision for the Baptist future, one that is more explicitly and intentionally positioned as a renewal movement within the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.

This book will appeal to Baptist and non-Baptist readers alike as Emerson and Stamps delve into themes that resonate with the broader body of Christ while simultaneously highlighting the rich beauty of the Baptist faith.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781087754284
    • Publisher: B&H PUB GROUP
    • ISBN 13: 9781087754284
    • Publication Date: 04/15/2025
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Heath A. Thomas
    • Author: Matthew Y. Emerson
    • Author: R. Lucas Stamps

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