Why did God give us the Book of Revelation? And what's more, why did He promise a blessing to those who read it and heed its words? The Book of Revelation is the consummation of God's grand story that He has given to us as an anchor and a hope for our lives. C
ome Lord Jesus: A Woman's Walk-Spirit, Body & Soul-Through the Book of Revelation will guide you on a journey through this important book of the Bible, encouraging you to experience spirit, body, and soul the Lord's message to His church. In this 16-week Bible study, you will engage in worship, prayer, witness, creativity, and connection with God and others. VIDEO COMPANIONS are now available for all 16 lessons. Studying the book of Revelation is truly a blessing that the Lord has given us for our lives. Let's dive in together to know Him more!Nancy's "Come Lord Jesus" study helps women sharpen their spiritual lens for what lies ahead...and readies them for refocused, real-life impact TODAY! Jesus said, "...Blessed is the one who stays awake...", who eagerly looks for His return; there is no doubt Jesus is using Nancy to turn the gaze of godly women upward! -Jill Prohaska, MACE/Dallas Theological Seminary.