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Companions in Christ: The Way of Grace - Participant's Book

Product Description

The Way of Grace will delight small-group participants who find within its pages a fresh approach to the Gospel of John. This fourth release in the Companions in Christ series invites us to travel with 8 Biblical characters (or groups of characters) who discover God’s grace through their encounters with Jesus. The eight characters include: Andrew, Simon, Philip, and Nathaniel; Nicodemus; the Samaritan woman; the lame man; the woman caught in adultery; the blind man; Mary and Martha; and Simon Peter.

The resource is more than a survey of the Biblical stories. It is a transforming interaction with the events and the characters. And it is an invitation for us to open our hearts to a deeper knowing of God’s grace.

John Indermark holds true to the popular Companions in Christ weekly pattern. Each of the nine weeks begins with an article that introduces the week’s theme. Five questions based on a scripture text follow the article. Throughout the week we reflect on one question each day and note our thoughts in a notebook or journal. On the last day of each week, we attend a 2-hour meeting and share our insights and a deeper exploration of that week’s theme. Woven throughout the resource are spiritual practices (classic and contemporary), rich stories from the tradition, and varied worship settings.

Each resource in the Companions in Christ series falls under one of these five headings introduced in the foundational 28-week Companions in Christ resource: journey, scripture, prayer, call, spiritual guidance.
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    The following items and their quantities are included in the kit product: Companions in Christ: The Way of Grace - Participant's Book

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780835898782
    • Publisher: Upper Room
    • Component: Participant Book
    • Language of Text: English
    • ISBN 13: 9780835898782
    • ISBN 10: 0835898784
    • Strategic Partners: Methodist
    • Publication Date: 01/01/2004
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: John Indermark
    • Number of Lessons: 9
    • Page Count: 127
    • Width: 7.32 inches
    • Height: 0.36 inches
    • Length: 9.18 inches
    • Weight: 0.04 pounds

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