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Faith Connections Adult Student Large Print December/January/February 2024)

  • By The Foundry Publishing
Product Description

Enrich your Bible study time with Illustrated Bible Life-a full-color resource magazine designed specifically to complement Adult Faith Connections Leader. IBL provides verse-by-verse commentary on the Bible passages for each week and includes articles addressing the cultural, historical, archaeological, and theological backgrounds of the Scripture passages being studied.

With Illustrated Bible Life, go deeper into each week's lesson by studying theological underpinnings, learning about the culture and context of Bible times, and exploring the history behind every Bible story.

Also, with the purchase of Illustrated Bible Life, you have access to for FREE, where you can receive online access to articles for each session, verse-by-verse commentaries, weekly audio articles, and illustrations and photos.

The energy and boldness of the early Christians in the Acts of the Apostles are an example we may have a hard time following. Our articles this quarter examine some important practices that were common in those early days: healing miracles, encounters with magic and sorcery, and, of course, compassionate ministry. We'll also look at Paul's conversion and Peter's confidence after Pentecost, as well as the ancient church at Syrian Antioch, the main missionary church of the first century.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780834143623
    • Publisher: Foundry Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9780834143623
    • Publication Date: 09/23/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: The Foundry Publishing

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