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Sync or Swim - eBook [ePub]

A Fable about Workplace Communication and Coming Together in a Crisis
Electronic Media
Product Description

"""Sync""or Swim" is a quick and easy read with a simple but powerful message for anyone who hopes to effectively manage and lead others."" - Jack Canfield - Coauthor of "The Success Principles" and "Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work.
"Sam, the new CEO, was ready to hit the ground running. But his team members-and Mother Nature-had other plans. An ambitious yet nai1/2ve sheepdog is called upon to lead Monarch Enterprises-a troubled organization on a beautiful isle. Confronted with broken systems and challenging personality types, Sam must learn how to marshal his team before the imminent storm washes everything away. Along the way, he gleans valuable lessons from an unlikely mentor-a wise, old puffin.
"Sync or Swim" is a small tale with enormous insight on ways you can empower, engage, and energize employees or volunteers facing discouragement or cynicism. It's a delightful, quick read that will:

  • teach you communication techniques that enhance teamwork and productivity;
  • bring to life the principles used by hundreds of successful organizations;
  • provide relevant, practical insights based on real-world experiences; and
  • stimulate lively and positive interaction (discussion guide included).

"Sync or Swim" will also help you:

  • break through apathy and cynicism to inspire teamwork;
  • empower and energize frustrated colleagues; and
  • create an engaging work environment.

Based on the principles successfully used by major corporations, health organizations, over 250 colleges and universities, government agencies, churches and non-profits. Readers' remarks: ""We've all struggled with these issues, and the principles are wonderfully illustrated." "I identified with the characters' pain. I love the realism and practical insights." """I had to smile when I recognized my colleagues in the characters.""

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780802491787
    • Publisher: Moody Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780802491787
    • Publication Date: 11/01/2014
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Gary Chapman
    • Author: Harold Myra
    • Author: Paul E. White

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