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The Camera Never Lies - eBook [ePub]

  • By David Rawlings
Electronic Media
Product Description

Daniel Whiteley is a successful couples counselor who regularly puts families back together, helping them face up to the things in life they hide. But his own marriage is falling apart.

His wife, Kelly, knows Daniel is hiding something from her, but she doesn't dare probe for fear her own secrets will be revealed.

When his grandfather dies, Daniel inherits an old SLR camera from a time when cameras pointed away from the person taking the photograph. On the camera is an inscription: "Use this camera wisely and remember, regardless of the picture you think you took, the camera never lies."

When Daniel first uses his new camera he finds someone has already filled the roll of film. Annoyed, he processes the film and finds photos of a secret that he's been hiding from his wife and daughter.

He has no idea who took them.

Now every time he uses the camera, the photographs reveal another secret about himself the he is desperate to keep--as well as those of his wife, which he is desperate to uncover.

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780785230700
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9780785230700
    • Publication Date: 12/01/2019
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: David Rawlings
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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