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What is Right?

Biblical Principles for Decision-Making
Product Description

Prolific author, college and seminary professor, and co-founder of Liberty University, Elmer Towns has written a second Teaching Series consisting of six profound books designed to stir your spirit and increase your biblical knowledge: Grandparents in the Bible; The Ten Commandments According to Jesus; 7 Indispensable Words for Effective Prayer; Habits of the Heart; When God Is Silent; What Is Right? Intriguing titles with even more intriguing content.

What Is Right? Biblical Principles for Decision-Making is a profound and in-depth examination of specific issues that are of great, even grave, concern for Christians today. What is right? Look no further than the Word of God that clearly addresses every life issue-including moral, social, spiritual, personal, racial, and relational.

This book is not a list of right and wrong behavior; rather, it presents biblical principles you can use to determine what is right. Methods change, principles never do. Part Two includes eight specific lessons to study individually and/or in a small group or Sunday School class setting. Additional resources are available to further explore the topic of What Is Right?

Christians can apply the principles of God's Word to every situation-and do what is right!

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    • SKU: 9780768476040
    • Publisher: Destiny Image Inc
    • ISBN 13: 9780768476040
    • Publication Date: 12/05/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Elmer L. Towns

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