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150 Essential Insights on Leadership

Product Description
"The best leaders bring all of the resources in their world into play to accomplish something great."
John Maxwell

Influential author and teacher John C. Maxwell travels around the world to meet with people of all backgrounds, helping them discover their God-given purpose. John's timeless leadership principles equip and empower people--from Fortune 500 companies to community leaders--to do remarkable things and lead significant and fulfilled lives.

Now you can gain from John's wisdom and guidance with this collection of some of his most impactful quotes. Whether you are called to lead or you're simply seeking God's direction for your life, you will benefit from his valuable insights on...

  • Taking Action: "In the beginning, you just need to get moving. Try different things. It's much easier to start doing something right if you've already started doing something.
  • Dreaming Big: "Dreams are valuable commodities. They propel us forward. They give us energy. They make us enthusiastic. Everyone ought to have a dream."
  • Investing in Others: "One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You're meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp."
Let John's words inspire you to make a difference in your home, your workplace, and your world.
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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780736982122
    • Publisher: Harvest House Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780736982122
    • Publication Date: 01/05/2021
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: John C. Maxwell
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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